Category Archives: Telugu

Google adds English-to-Telugu and Telugu-to-English dictionaries

Google has added English to Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, and Bengali dictionaries and vice versa to its Dictionary section. English-to-Hindi dictionary has been available for a long time. Go to and click the drop down menu and hover the mouse on English. It shows available languages menu and from there you can… Read More »

Telugu rendering and writing in Windows XP

Have you ever looked at the web pages in Telugu? e.g.: Wikipedia in Telugu. Cluttered Telugu rendering makes you leave the pages immediately. Until I have known about enabling the Telugu Indic script in Windows XP, my situation was also same. Now, I enjoy reading TeWiki (Telugu Wikipedia) and also BhashaIndia‘s Telugu version run by… Read More »

Write Orkut scraps in Indian languages

These days I am heavily experimenting with GreaseMonkey scripts. This week I found few good scripts. I have already started explaining these scripts with my LiveLeak post. Second in the series is an Orkut Indic transliteration script, which enables writing scraps in Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, and Malyalam. This script actually calls the Google’s Indic… Read More »