Google adds English-to-Telugu and Telugu-to-English dictionaries

By | October 16, 2009

Google has added English to Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, and Bengali dictionaries and vice versa to its Dictionary section. English-to-Hindi dictionary has been available for a long time. Go to and click the drop down menu and hover the mouse on English. It shows available languages menu and from there you can select the language.

If you want to check the English word for one of the above languages, hover your mouse on your language and it opens another right-side menu where you can select Your Language>English. Use the Google Indic Transliteration Tool to type the word in your language phonetically and paste it into the Google Dictionary text box and click “Search Dictionary.”

If you are logged in, you can bookmark the searched words for future reference and also you can hear pronunciation of the English words.


It is really good especially the “Related Phrases” section. Now, I can easily find the exact Telugu meaning for an English word very easily. Thanks Google!

5 thoughts on “Google adds English-to-Telugu and Telugu-to-English dictionaries

  1. Nirmala

    Hi Naveen,
    I want the free download of English to Telugu dictionary or vice versa for my PC and in pendrive too.
    Pls let me know the correct web site,because I was so much fed up by searching one full day for that
    Pls send the reply as soon as possible


  2. shiva

    want the free download of English to Telugu dictionary or vice versa for my PC and in pendrive too.
    Pls let me know the correct web site,because I was so much fed up by searching one full day for that
    Pls send the reply as soon as possiblesdfd

    1. Naveen Post author

      I have been asked about this lot of times, so just written an article with 2 such dictionaries I know. Revisit my blog.

  3. English to Kannada dictionary

    Now a days Google is improving their translation system by getting help from the original speaker. thi is a good effort for google. For this you will get maximum accurate results from google and they have added some regional languages also.


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