Today is Google’s 10th birthday. Google has grown to the point where without using a Google app, our Internet browsing is not complete. Everybody knowingly or unknowingly will be using a Google product.
We may be using Gmail for our mail needs, Blogger for a blog, Picasa for editing and sharing photos, SketchUp for building 3D models, YouTube for uploading videos, or burning feeds on Feedburner.
Google has acquired a lot of companies and made their premium services free. JotSpot, Feedburner, Writely, etc.
Being a medical transcriptionist and freelance web designer, I cannot expect a day without using Google. My day starts with checking Gmail, using extensively in the office, and ends up with another Google product.
See all the Google products here:
Go through the interactive tour to know what happened these 10 years in Google HERE.
You may be interested in participating in Google’s Project 10100, a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible.